Qasmieh Al-Fawal was founded in 1952 in Irbid - Jordan, and since then it has been amongst the top restaurants that sells Hommus, Foul & Falafel in town.
Long time back the grandfather has innovated the Qasmieh Plate which is Hummus cooked in a special technique and dressed with a special Tahina paste mix.
Qasmieh Al-Fawal has began to expand outside Jordan and has established its first restaurant in Abu Dhabi – UAE in 2017 , then in Dubai in 2020.
Special Recipes
Qasmieh's menu has a wide range of traditional and innovative offerings at affordable prices.
Our Dishes
Foul ( Bean )
Hummus With Meat
Fatta with pine seed
Chicken liver with pomegranate
Fried Eggs
Hummus Beiruti
Falawerma Meal
Fried Eggs with meat
Gallaya Tomato
Mofaraka ( Eggs with potatoes)
Falafel Sandwich
Our Menus
الاطباق الرئيسة - Main Dishes
حمص - Hummus
حمص بيروتي - Hummus Beiruti
حمص باللحمه - Hummus with Meat
قاسميه - Qasmieh
مسبحه - Mosabaha
قدسية - Qudsieh
قدسية مصرية - Egyption Qudsia
فول القاسميه - Foul/Bean
فول بالثوم والبندورة - Foul with Tomato & Garlic
فول مصري - Egyption Foul
ناعمه - Naa'meh
صحن بطاطا - French Fries
فلافل - Falafel
فلافل محشي - Stuffed Falafel
الــــقــــلايـــات - Gallayat
كبدة دجاج - Chicken Liver
قلاية بندورة - Gallaya Tomato
قلاية بندورة باللحم - Gallaya Tomato with Meat
بيض مقلي - Fried Eggs
بيض باللحم - Fried Eggs with Meat
بيض بالجبنه النابلسية - Fried Eggs with Cheese
بيض مسلوق - Boiled Eggs
شكشوكة - Shakshoka
جبنه نابلسيه مقليه - Fried Nabulsi Cheese
الفتات - Fatta
فته بالصنوبر - Fatta with pine seed
فته باللحمه - Fatta with meat
الساندويشات - Sandwiches
فلافل - Falafel
فلافل مشكل - Mixed Falafel
فول - Foul / Bean
كبدة دجاج - Chicken Liver
بيض - Fried Eggs
بيض باللحمه - Fried Eggs with Meat
بيض بالجبنه النابلسية - Fired Eggs with Nabulsi Cheese
شكشوكة - Shakshoka
حمص باللحمة - Hummus with Meat
بطاطا - Potatos
الــخــبـــز - Bread
خبز مشروح - Taboon Bread
الـمـــشـــروبـــات - Beverages
شاي - Tea
قهوة تركيه - Turkish Coffee
ماء - Water
بيبسي - Pepsi
سفن اب - 7up
ميرندا - Mirinda
Happy to Serve you
Take it easy with location
United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi Branch
Khalidiyah - Behind Ajman Bank
: +971 2 633 0533
Dubai Branch
Next to Shakalan 2 Supermarket, Al Warqa 1